behav a03

    Cards (3)

    • -The behaviourist approach can be described in terms of environmental reductionism,
      -because it reduces complex behaviour down to one fundamental factor (stimulus response links)
      -This can be a limitation as other factors may be ignored preventing more realistic or valid explanations of behaviour and as a result patients may be prevented from receiving more successful therapies.
      -Therefore a more holistic theory is required as the behavioural approach only provides a partial explanation for behaviour, however this reduxtionsit appropach has allowed effective biological therapies
      • development of a successful therapy
      • Systematic desensitisation (effective treatment for a range of phobias)
      • Uses principles of classical conditioning to replace learned response (anxiety) with another response (relaxation
      • 75% effective 
      • The success of this therapy proves the validity of the theory
      • What about 25% who it doesn't work for
    • Focus on animal behavior may not generalize to humans
      • Its origins stem from a study done on animals-can't generalize to humans
      • Skinner’s reliance on rats and pigeons and Pavlov on dogs means that we are unable to draw conclusions about human behaviour
      • humans have a far more complex biological make-up and more complex causes of behaviour and motivation behind it
      • Lacks external (population) validity
      • Can't generalise the findings from animal research to humans, which weakens the supporting evidence for the operant conditioning -high internal
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