The set of ideas, behaviours, attitudes and traditions that exist within large groups of people that are passed on from one generation to the next
What do critics argue?
Psychology has generally ignoredculture as an important influence on human behaviour and mistakenlyassumedfindings from Western Culture can be applied universally
What is a study that demonstrates cultural bias?
What is cultural bias?
A tendency to ignore cultural differences and interpret all phenomena through the lens of one's own culture
What is Afrocentric?
Emphasizing or promoting on African culture and the contributions of Africans to the development of Western civilisation
What is Eurocentric?
Centred on Europeans - reflecting a tendency to interpret the world in terms of Europeanvalues/experiences
What is a collectivist culture?
One that's based on the needs of a group over the individual - works together to create harmony and group cohesion is valued
What is an individualist culture?
One that's based on the individual's needs and looks for individual happiness before the group
What is ethnocentric?
Evaluating other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture
What is indigenous?
Originating or occurringnaturally in a particular place; native
What does ethnocentrism mean?
Seeing the world only from one's own cultural perspective and believing its normal and correct
What is cultural relativism?
Behaviour can be properly understood only if the cultural context is taken into consideration
What is an example of a culturally biased test?
Chitling Intelligence Test
Why is the Chitling Intelligence Test culturally biased?
Favours African Americans
Ethnocentrism is the judging of other cultures by the standards/values of one's own culture
What is ethnocentrism often?
An inadvertentlack of awareness that other ways of seeing things can be valid as one's own
What is an examples of ethnocentrism?
Definitions of abnormality and Ainsworth's Strange Situation
Who claimed that in definitions of abnormality, African-Caribbeans in Britain are sometimes diagnosed as 'mentally-ill' based on normal behaviour in their culture?
How did Rack suggest definitions of abnormality is ethnocentric?
African-Caribbeans in Britain are sometimes diagnosed as 'mentally-ill' based on normal behaviour in their culture
How is Ainsworth's Strange Situation ethnocentric?
Reflects only norms and values of American Culture
According to cultural relativism, the meaning of what is different in every culture?
Who drew a distinction between Etic and Emic approaches in the study of human behaviour?
According to Berry, what is an Emic approach?
Looks at behaviour from outside a culture and attempts to describe those behaviours as universal
According to Berry, what is an Emic approach?
Functions from inside a culture and identifies behaviours that are specific to that culture
According to Berry, what is an imposed etic approach?
Studies behaviour insideone culture and then assumed findingsapply to another culture - assumes what they found is universal
What is an example of imposed etic research?
How is Ainsworth an example of an imposed etic research?
Studied behaviour inside America and assumed attachment types could be applied universally