
Cards (17)

  • digestion: the process of breaking down food into smaller pieces so that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream
  • protein in the stomach: brown down by the stomach into simpler substances called amino acids and peptides
  • protein in the small intestine: absorbed through the walls of the small intestine
  • carbohydrates in the mouth: broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharides) by salivary enzymes, such as amylase.
  • carbohydrates in the small intestine: further breakdown occurs with the addition of pancreatic amylase from the pancreas and disacharidases from the brush border membrane of the epithelial cells lining the small intestine
  • carbohydrates in the stomach: not digested because there are no digestive enzymes present
  • fats in the small intestine: digested by lipase to form fatty acids and glycerol which are then absorbed into the blood stream via the lacteal vessels
  • lipids in the small intestine: fatty acids and glycerol are released from triglycerides by lipase and then transported across the wall of the small intestine into the lacteals
  • mouth mechanical: teeth chew food and break it down into a mush known as the bolus, the food travels down the osophegas via peristalsis
  • mouth chemical: saliva contains the enzyme amylase which breaks down starch into simple sugars
  • stomach mechanical: churning motion mixes food with gastric juices and propels it towards the duodenum, the walls contract rhythmically to push the contents around (peristaltic movement)
  • Stomach chemical: gastric juices break down the food until it becomes a thick liquid known as chyme
  • small intestine mechanical: peristalsis moves the chyme through the small intestine as well as the villi. nutrients are absorbed by the villi
  • small intestine chemical: pancreatic enzymes and bile are secreted from the pancreas and gall bladder into the small intestine where they work to further break down food
  • large intestine mechanical: the remaining cellulose is pushed through the large intestine
  • large intestine chemical: production of vitamins, digestion of fibre resistant starch
  • Anus: opening at end of rectum that allows passage of faeces out of body