Cold enviro 1

Cards (17)

  • What is a cold environment?
    Cold environments experience temperatures of 0'C or below for long periods of time
  • What is the polar biome?
    The most extreme cold environments and ice sheets where temperatures are below zero all year
  • What is the tundra biome?
    Areas which have less extreme cold environments though soils are permanently frozen (permafrost) and summers are short
  • Where are cold environments located
    Located in the extreme north and south of the Earth and are not found near the Equator.
  • What is the climate like in polar regions?
    Extreme- winter temperatures can fall below -50'C, strong winds, low precipitation (snow, rain)
  • What is a climate like in tundra regions?

    Less extreme- winter temperature may drop to -20'C, warm brief summers, higher precipitation in coastal regions (near the sea/ocean)
  • what is the soil like in polar regions?
    Permafrost covered by ice
  • What is permafrost
    permanently frozen soil
  • What is soil like in tundra regions?
    Surface permafrost melting in summer causing waterlogging (saturate with water)
  • What is plants in polar regions like?
    Few mosses and lichens on the fringes of the ice
  • What is the plants in tundra regions like?
    Low- growing, flowering plants with special adaptations
  • Animals in polar regions
    Polar bears- well adapted with thick fur and foot pads and Antarctic penguins
  • Animals in Tundra regions
    several species due to more food options and less extreme climate
    Arctic fox and arctic hare, summer birds, insects, mosquitoes
  • Adaptations of bearberry plants in tundra environments

    -Low growing so protected from strong winds
    -Stems have thick bark to improve stability
    -Small leathery leaves retain moisture
    -Hairy stems insulate the plant
    -Bright red berries attract birds to help spread the seeds
  • Adaptations of a Polar Bear
    - thick white fur for insulation and camouflage
    - small ear reduce heat loss
    - sharp claws and teeth for catching & eating prey
    - strong legs for swimming and running to catch prey
    - large feet spread body mass on ice and snow
    - fur on feet soles for insulation and grip
    - thick layer of blubber for insulation and energy storage
  • Examples of cold environments
    Antarctica, Greenland, Northern Canada, Northern Russia
  • Cold environment case study