
Cards (5)

  • investigate disputes - and issues non-legally binding resolutions - employers and employees issue their cases in writing than a hearing in court take place where witnesses can be called - as it hears both cases it recommendation is fair and unbiased
  • hears appeals against recommendations from Adjudication officers - labour court judgement is then legally binding - how it deals with cases of discrimination
  • gives interpretations of the WRCs codes of professional practice and investigates any breaches of these codes - ensures both sides follow good codes of practice
  • it registers collective agreements made by employers and employees - makes those agreements legally binding - if either side breaks the agreement the other side can take them to the labour court
  • establishes Joint Labour Committees - consists of workers and employers from particular industries, meeting periodically to agree to terms and conditions in particular industries - they then propose them to the labour court who will make them legally binding by creating an Employment Regulation Order