CELL STRUCTURE and cell theory timeline

Cards (18)

  • 1665
    Robert Hooke
    He Discovered cell
  • 1674
    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    He Observed living cell
  • 1883
    Robert Brown
    He Discovered nucleus
  • 1835
    Felix Dujardin
    He Discovered fluid content of cell
  • 1838
    Matthias Schleiden
    He Proposed all plants are made up of cells
  • 1839
    J. E. Purkinje
    He Named fluid content of cell as protoplasm
  • 1839
    Theodor Schwann
    He Proposed all animals are made up of cells
  • 1845
    Carl Heinrich Braun He Proposed cell is the basic unit of life
  • 1855
    Rudolf Virchow
    He Proposed all cells arise from pre-existing cells
  • Unicellular Organisms
    An organism that is made up of only one cell is called as
  • Multicellular Organisms
    An organism that is made up of more than one cell is called as
  • What are the parts of animal cell?
    • nucleus
    • golgi body
    • vesicle
    • plasma membrane
    • mitochondria
    • cytoskeleton
    • centriole
    • lysosome
    • cytoplasm
    • rough endoplasmic reticulum
    • smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    • nucleolus
  • What are the parts of an plant cell?
    • nucleus
    • golgi body
    • vesicle
    • plasma membrane
    • lysosome
    • mitochondria
    • chloroplast
    • cellwall
    • Vacuole
    • smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    • rough endoplasmic reticulum
    • nucleolus
  • What are the parts of a bacterial cell
    • capsule
    • cell wall
    • plasma membrane
    • cytoplasm
    • flagellum
    • food granule
    • plasmid
    • ribosomes
    • Nucleoid
    • pili
    • nucleus is undevelop
    • only one chromosome is present
    • membrane bound organelles are absent
    • size ranges from 0.5-5
    • examples: bacteria and blue green algae
    • Nucleus is well develop
    • more than one chomosomes is present
    • membrane organelles is present
    • Size ranges from 5-100
    • examples: all other organisms
    • generally small in size
    • cell wall is absent
    • plastids are absent
    • vacuoles are smaller in size and less in number
    • centrioles are present
    • generally large in size
    • cell wall is present
    • plastids are present
    • vacuoles are lager in Size and more in number
    • centrioles are absent