Religious views on war.

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    • In Shi’a, jihad is an obligatory act.
    • Jihad means ‘struggle’
    • Lesser jihad is changing the behaviour of other people and trying to alter the external world around us for the better.
    • This could include protesting, petitions, violence, marching and writing to people with power.
  • Holy wars
    • A holy war is one where people believe that God is ’on their side’. Wars are mentioned in both the Old Testament and in the Quran.
    • In the past, holy wars have been fought over territory or to convert people however holy wars can be declared for different reasons like to protect a religion.
  • Religion’s part in wars.
    • Religion has been a factor in many modern wars Too (though often not the only one).
    • Athiests and humanists, who don’t believe in Godl have criticised religion for causing conflict and wouldn’t support starting a war over religion - but neither would many religious people.
    • Some atheists and humanists also identify as pacifists and don’t agree with conflict being used at all
  • Christian views on holy war.
    • In the past, holy wars were fought to convert other people to Christianity. Jesus told his disciples “ do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.”
    • The vast majority of Christian’s don’t believe in the idea of holy war anymore. Although it’s for different reasons, their view on holy war would be the same as an atheist’s.