Cards (4)

  • Strength: Cognitive factors

    What? Recognises importance of cognitive factors in learning
    Who? Classical/Operant conditioning = inadequate
    Why? SLT = More comprehensive explanation of learning by recognising mediational processes
  • Counterpoint: Cognitive factors
    What? Little reference to biological factors
    Who? Research suggests observational learning the result of mirror neurons
    Why? Biological influences under-emphasised
  • Limitation: Contrived lab studies
    What? Evidence gathered through lab studies
    Who? Bandura's research done in labs - demand characteristics; children behaving how expected
    Why? Tells us little about how children learn aggression
  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Applied to real-world behaviours
    Who? Explains cultural differences in behaviour - how norms are transmitted (gender roles)
    Why? Increases value