6.psychodynamic approach

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  • psychodynamic approach was associated with Sigmund Freud
  • the psychodynamic approach is a perspective that describes the different forces (most are unconscious) that operate on the mind and direct human behavior and experience
  • Freud suggested that our mind we know about and are aware of is the conscious mind
  • most of our mind is made up of the unconscious mind
  • the unconscious mind contains threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed
  • repressed memories can be accessed during dreams or through ' slips of the toungue'
  • the preconscious mind contains thoughts and memories which are not currently in conscious awareness but we can access if desired
  • Freud described personality as 'tripartite' which composed of three things: Id, Ego and Superego
  • the Id operates on the pleasure principle, it gets what it wants
  • only the Id is present at birth
  • the ego works on the realty principle
  • the ego develops around the age of 2
  • the role of the ego is to reduce the conflict between the demands of the id and superego by using defense mechanisms
  • the superego is formed at end of phallic stage
  • the superego is based on the morality principle
  • the psychosexual stages are: oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
  • Freud claimed that child development occurred in 5 stages
  • oral stage is at 0-1 years old
  • anal stage is at 1-3 years old
  • phallic stage is at 3-5 years old
  • the focus of the pleasure for the oral stage is the mouth and the mothers breast is the object of desire
  • the consequences of having an oral fixation is smoking and biting nails
  • the focus of pleasure at the anal stage is the anus where a child gains pleasure for withholding or expelling poo
  • anal retentive is a perfectionist and obsessive
  • anal expulsive is thoughtless and messy
  • the focus of pleasure for the phallic stage is the genital area, children experience the oedipus and electra complex
  • the consequence of unresolved phallic stage is having a phallic personality where they are reckless and narcisstic
  • the latency stage is where earlier conflicts are repressed
  • the genital stage is where sexual desires become conscious alongside the onset of puberty
  • the consequence of unresolved genital stage is difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
  • repression is forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
  • denial is where you refuse to acknowledge some aspect of reality
  • displacement is transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
  • defence mechanisms are unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflict between id and superego
  • the consequences of unresolved anal fixation is anal retentive and anal expulsive
  • the oedipus complex is where little boys develop the phallic stage develop incestuous feelings towards their mother and murderous hatred for their rival in love - father
  • evaluation - explanatory power +
    • psychodynamic approach has been used to explain many things, such as personality development, abnormal bhevaiour, moral development and gender
  • evaluation - the case study method +
    • freud based his theory on individual studies such as Little Hans - some people believe he cannot make universal claims based on studies of a small number of individuals
  • evaluation - untestable concepts -
    • as freuds concepts occur at an unconscious level, they are impossible to test
  • evaluation - practical application
    • freud brought out a new form of therapy - psychoanalysis (range of techniques to access the unconscious - dream analysis)
    • criticised for being inappropriate or harmful for those with mental illnesses