
Subdecks (9)

Cards (123)

  • reductionism are the assumptions that complex behaviours can be reduced down to simple levels of explanation (example: biochemistry, genetics)
  • holism is the assumption that to understand something we nee to look at a whole
  • there is biological and environmental reductionism
  • determinism is the assumption that our behaviours and thoughts are determined by influences beyond our control and that we do not have any free will
  • free will is the assumption that we do have conscious control over how we develop, behave or think
  • soft determinism is assuming that whilst we are determined by influences we can exert some control or free will
  • nature is the influence of physiology and pre natal information on our behaviour and development (brain structure and genetics)
  • nurture is the influence of our experiences and environment on our behaviours and development (peers and media)