4. cognitive approach

Cards (21)

  • the cognitive approach studies internal mental processes (memory, perception and thinking)
  • cognitive psychologists use theoretical and computer models to help understand internal mental processes
  • a theoretical model called the information processing approach is based on the way computers function
  • computer models involve programming a computer to see if such instructions produce a similar output to humans
  • a schema is a persons internal beliefs and expectations
  • as we grow up our schemas get more detailed and sophisticated as we get older
  • schemas enable us to process lots of information quickly
  • sometimes schemas can distort our interpretations of sensory information
  • cognitive neuroscience is a scientific study of the influence of brains structures on mental processes
  • broca identified how damage to the frontal lobe (brocas area) could permanently impair speech production
  • there have been advances in brain imaging technologies for example fMRI and PET
    • scientists are able to scientifically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes
  • tulving et al showed different types of long term memory may be located in opposite sides of pre frontal cortex
  • evaluation - scientific and objective methods +
    • lab experiments are used to produce reliable data
  • evaluation - machine reductionism -
    • some similarities between human mind and computer
    • machine reductionism ignores influence of human emotion and motivation
    • human memory may be affected by emotional factors - influence of anxiety on eyewitnesses
  • evaluation - applications to everyday life -
    • experimental studies often use artificial stimuli, such as lists of words which may not represent everyday memory experience
  • evaluation - real life application -
    • important contribution in field of artificial intelligence and development of robots
  • evaluation - less determinist than other approaches -
    • founded on soft determinism - recognises that out cognitive system can only operate with what we known, but we are still free to think
  • the cognitive approach is focused on how our mental processes affect behaviour
  • cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of biological structures that underpin cognitive processes
  • inference is the process whereby cognitive psychologists draw conclusions about the way mental processes operate on the basis of observed behaviour
  • in the cognitive approach indirect inferences are made about a person's mind based off behaviours