Schaffers stages of attachment

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  • Who studied babies and mothers in Glasgow?
  • What was the demographic of the mothers studied by Schaffer and Emerson?
    All were skilled working-class
  • What method did Schaffer and Emerson use to gather data about the babies' behavior?
    They interviewed the mothers
  • What did Schaffer and Emerson find regarding attachment stages?
    They found there to be main stages of attachment
  • What are the main stages of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson?
    1. ASOCIAL STAGE (birth-2 months)
    • Similar responses to objects and people
    • Preference for faces/eyes towards the end
    • Preference for humans
    • Distinguishes between people
    • No significant stranger/separation anxiety
    1. SPECIFIC ATTACHMENT (7-12 months)
    • Preference for one caregiver
    • Shows stranger anxiety and separation anxiety
    • Joy on reunion and comforted by primary caregiver
    1. MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS (1 year on)
    • Forms other attachments
    • 29% had secondary attachments within a month
    • 75% had attachments with the father by 18 months
  • What is the age range for the ASOCIAL STAGE of attachment?
    From birth to 2 months
  • What do babies show towards the end of the ASOCIAL STAGE?
    Some preference for faces/eyes
  • What is the age range for the INDISCRIMINATE ATTACHMENT stage?
    From 2 to 6 months
  • What behavior do babies exhibit during the INDISCRIMINATE ATTACHMENT stage?

    They show a clear preference for humans
  • What is a key characteristic of the SPECIFIC ATTACHMENT stage?
    Babies show a preference for one caregiver
  • What is the age range for the SPECIFIC ATTACHMENT stage?
    From 7 to 12 months
  • What emotional responses do babies show during the SPECIFIC ATTACHMENT stage?
    Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety
  • What is the age range for the MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS stage?
    From 1 year onwards
  • What percentage of infants had formed secondary attachments within a month of the first attachment?
  • By what age had 75% of infants formed attachments with their father?

    By 18 months