Schaffers stages of attachment AO3

Cards (8)

  • What is a positive aspect of the research mentioned in the study material?
    It has high external validity as babies were observed in familiar surroundings.
  • What potential bias may arise from asking mothers about their child's behavior?
    Social desirability bias, where mothers may answer to appear as better parents.
  • How did the researchers observe stranger anxiety?

    The researchers observed it themselves, which is likely to be more accurate.
  • What is a flaw in assessing the asocial stage of attachment?

    It is difficult to judge if a newborn is anxious or simply performing a natural behavior like pooping.
  • What is a real-world application of understanding stranger and separation anxiety?

    • Helps parents plan when to introduce their child to daycare.
    • Provides insights into child development stages.
  • What is a limitation regarding the generalizability of the research findings?
    The research lacks population validity as participants were from the same area and had similar financial circumstances.
  • Why might the research lack temporal validity?

    It was conducted in 1964 when most mothers stayed at home, which may differ from current parenting situations.
  • What did von IJzendoorn suggest about multiple attachments?

    He thought that multiple attachments might be formed before specific attachments, casting doubt on the accuracy of the stage model.