The strange situation Ainsworth

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  • What type of study was Ainsworth's Strange Situation?
    Controlled observation
  • How long was each episode in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?
    3 minutes
  • What were the different episodes in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?

    Mother and baby, stranger enters, mother leaves, mother returns
  • What did the researchers record during the different stages of Ainsworth's Strange Situation?

    The child's responses such as proximity seeking and acceptance of comfort
  • How did the researchers observe the interactions in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?
    Through a two-way mirror
  • What are the three main types of attachment identified in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?
    • Secure (B)
    • Insecure-Avoidant (A)
    • Insecure-Resistant (C)
  • What characterizes a Secure attachment (B) in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?

    Explores but seeks proximity to the caregiver, moderate stranger and separation anxiety, accepts comfort from caregiver at reunion
  • What percentage of infants were classified as Secure in Ainsworth's 1970 study?

  • What characterizes an Insecure-Avoidant attachment (A) in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?

    Explores and does not seek proximity, little or no stranger and separation anxiety, may avoid the caregiver on reunion
  • What percentage of infants were classified as Insecure-Avoidant in Ainsworth's 1970 study?

  • What characterizes an Insecure-Resistant attachment (C) in Ainsworth's Strange Situation?
    Seeks proximity, explores less, very high stranger and separation anxiety, resists comfort on reunion
  • What percentage of infants were classified as Insecure-Resistant in Ainsworth's 1970 study?

  • What is the caregiver sensitivity hypothesis in relation to attachment types?
    • Mother's behavior towards the infant predicts their attachment type
    • Sensitive caregiving leads to secure attachment
    • Insensitive caregiving can lead to insecure attachments