The strange situation Ainsworth AO3

Cards (12)

  • What is a key feature of the research mentioned in the study material?
    It can be replicated due to a high level of control and a standardized procedure.
  • What did VAN IJZENDOORN find regarding attachments in different cultures?
    Secure attachments were the highest in all cultures, suggesting universal measurement of attachment.
  • What did the research find about type A and C attachments?

    There were significant differences in levels of type A and C attachments across cultures.
  • Why might some situations be considered culturally relative?
    Because behaviors like separation might be interpreted differently based on cultural norms.
  • How might a baby appear resistant in a separation situation?
    A baby might appear resistant when upset due to unusual separation circumstances.
  • What is a potential issue with ecological validity in the research?

    Controlled conditions may be unfamiliar to the child and not represent home attachment types.
  • What was a limitation of the original classification system for attachment types?
    It was incomplete as it did not account for a fourth attachment type, disorganized.
  • Why might children behave differently with different parents?
    Children may exhibit different attachment behaviors depending on their relationship with each parent.
  • What could proximity-seeking indicate in attachment research?
    Proximity-seeking could indicate insecurity rather than security in attachment measures.
  • What does research suggest about the reliability of the Strange Situation (SS) method?
    Research indicates high reliability, with BICK finding an inter-rater reliability of 94%.
  • What is a strength of the Strange Situation method according to the study material?
    It is unlikely to use subjective judgments due to its high reliability.
  • What might affect the attachment measures according to the study material?
    Mothers spending more time with infants may influence attachment measures.