Research into cultural variations in attachment

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  • Who conducted a meta-analysis of attachment research in 1988?

    Van Itzendorn and Kroonenberg
  • What method did Van Itzendorn and Kroonenberg use in their meta-analysis?
    They used the Strange Situation method.
  • How many studies were included in the meta-analysis by Van Itzendorn and Kroonenberg?
    32 studies
  • What was the most common type of attachment found across cultures in the meta-analysis?
    Secure attachment
  • In which country was the lowest percentage of secure attachment found according to the meta-analysis?
    China (50%)
  • What was the highest percentage of secure attachment found in the meta-analysis and in which country?
    75% in Great Britain
  • Which country had the highest percentage of avoidant attachment according to the meta-analysis?
    West Germany (35%)
  • What percentage of avoidant attachment was found in Israel and Japan according to the meta-analysis?
    7% in Israel and 5% in Japan
  • Where was the highest level of resistant attachment found according to the meta-analysis?
    Israel (29%)
  • What was the percentage of secure attachment found in Simonelli's 2014 research?
  • What percentage of insecure attachment was found in Simonelli's 2014 research?
  • What did Takahashi's 1990 research in Japan find regarding insecure-resistant attachment?

    It found quite high levels of insecure-resistant attachment.
  • What are the key findings from the meta-analysis conducted by Van Itzendorn and Kroonenberg regarding attachment types across cultures?
    • Secure attachment was most common across cultures.
    • Lowest secure attachment in China (50%).
    • Highest secure attachment in Great Britain (75%).
    • Avoidant attachment was most common in West Germany (35%).
    • Rare in Israel (7%) and Japan (5%).
    • Highest resistant attachment in Israel (29%).
  • What were the findings of Simonelli's 2014 research on attachment?
    • 50% of babies had secure attachment.
    • 36% had insecure attachment.
  • What did Takahashi's 1990 research reveal about attachment in Japan?

    • Found quite high levels of insecure-resistant attachment.