Cultural variations AO3

Cards (10)

  • What is a limitation of using the Strange Situation to explain cultural variations in attachment?
    It was developed in America, where child-rearing practices may differ from other cultures.
  • What is an imposed etic in the context of attachment research?
    It refers to using a measuring tool developed in one culture to judge attachment in other cultures.
  • How might the Strange Situation misrepresent attachment in Japan?
    It may show high rates of insecure attachment because mothers and babies are rarely separated.
  • Why might the Strange Situation indicate poorer parent-child relationships in Germany?
    Because children are encouraged to be independent, which may affect attachment styles.
  • What is a potential issue with using a culture-bound test in attachment research?
    It may not accurately reflect attachment styles across different cultures.
  • How can smaller sample sizes affect attachment research results?
    They may not represent the culture as a whole.
  • What does the variation within cultures being 1.5 times greater than variation between cultures suggest?

    It suggests that the Strange Situation may not be a consistent measure to judge attachment.
  • What recent research by Simonelli suggests about attachment styles?

    More babies are becoming insecure-avoidant, possibly due to increased daycare usage.
  • Why is the use of the Strange Situation beneficial for research consistency?
    It allows for easy replication of a controlled study as a measuring tool.
  • What are the implications of using the Strange Situation across different cultures?
    • Developed in America, may not reflect other cultures
    • Imposed etic may misjudge attachment styles
    • Smaller samples may not represent entire cultures
    • Variation within cultures can be greater than between cultures
    • Recent trends show changes in attachment styles