Effects of early attachment on childhood+adult relationships

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Cards (23)

  • What does Bowlby's model of early attachment provide for later attachment?
    A blueprint for later attachment
  • How does early attachment affect relationships later in life?
    It affects relationships as a child and adult
  • What age group did Myron-Wilson and Smith study in their research on attachment types and bullying?

    1. 11 year olds
  • What link did Myron-Wilson and Smith find between infant attachment types and bullying?
    Secure infants are unlikely to be involved in bullying, while insecure avoidant are likely to be victims and insecure resistant are more likely to be bullies
  • What did Kerns find about securely attached infants and childhood friendships?
    Securely attached infants had the best childhood friendships
  • What does a positive internal working model (IWM) indicate?

    It indicates better relationships and social interactions
  • Who developed the Love Quiz and where was it printed?
    Hazan and Shaver developed the Love Quiz, which was printed in the Rocky Mountain News
  • What types of questions were included in the Love Quiz?
    Questions about current relationships, love experiences, and attachment type
  • What were the findings regarding the attachment types of respondents in the Love Quiz?
    56% were secure, 25% were insecure avoidant, and the rest were insecure resistant
  • What characteristics are associated with insecure avoidant individuals in relationships?
    Jealousy and fear of intimacy
  • What suggestion is made about patterns of attachment in adult romantic relationships?
    Patterns of attachment are reflected in adult romantic relationships