Cards (12)

  • What is Bowlby's attachment theory criticized for being?

  • Who criticized Bowlby's deterministic view of attachment?

    Clarke and Clarke
  • What do Clarke and Clarke suggest about individuals with a negative internal working model (IWM)?
    They are more vulnerable to having unsuccessful relationships later.
  • What are the negative implications of assuming a cause-and-effect relationship in attachment theory?
    It can create self-fulfilling prophecies if people know their attachment status.
  • What is a limitation of using self-report methods to assess the quality of relationships?
    It is subjective and can be affected by social desirability.
  • Why is it difficult to retrospectively measure someone's internal working model?
    Because it is an abstract concept.
  • What does the difficulty in measuring internal working models suggest about attachment theory?
    There are issues with the validity of measurement and the theory itself.
  • What did Bailey's research on mothers and their one-year-olds find regarding attachment patterns?
    Mothers who had poor attachments to their own mothers repeated the pattern with their offspring.
  • What does Koluchova's study of the Czech twins suggest about recovery from a poor internal working model?
    Children can recover from privation and develop stable relationships.
  • What age range did the Czech twins experience severe abuse according to Koluchova's study?
    From 18 months to 7 years.
  • What was the outcome for the Czech twins by their teens according to Koluchova's findings?
    They both recovered and were entirely stable, lacking abnormalities.
  • What type of relationships did the Czech twins experience as adults?
    Warm relationships.