Civil Religion

Cards (9)

  • Bellah (1991;2013): religion unifies multi-faith societies through civil religion
  • Civil Religion: a belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society itself. In America, civil religion is a faith in Americanism or the 'American way of life'
  • American Civil Religion involves loyalty to the state and a belief in god
  • American Civil Religion Rituals:
    1. Pledge of Allegiance
    2. National Anthem
    3. 'One Nation Under God'
  • American Civil Religion does not involve a single god involved in Judaism, Christianity and Islam but an American god
  • Civil Religion sacralises the American way of life and beliefs in Meritocracy and Freedom
  • Functional Alternatives: non-religious beliefs the perform the same functions of organised religion such as maintaining social cohesion
  • Functional Alternatives ignore what makes religion distinctive through belief in the supernatural
  • Soviet Union and example of functional alternatives through politics. Politics becomes the everything