Subdecks (5)

    Cards (66)

    • Wilhelm Wundt
      father of psychology
      origins of psychology occurred in Germany from his work
    • what year Wundt established the first psychology laboratory
    • what was founded in 1879
      the Institute for Experimental Psychology
    • what did Wundt write in 1874
      Principles of physiological psychology
    • what did Wundt separated
    • structuralism
      structures of the mind
      analysis of the basic elements of the mind
    • introspection
      technique to develop structuralism theory
      examination and description of one's own conscious thought processes and mental states
      conscious analysis of conscious thought
    • tridimensional theory of feeling
      pleasant- unpleasant
      tense- relaxed
      strain- excited
    • problems with Wundt's work
      too subjective- based solely on one person's opinion/ viewpoint
      not particularly accurate- Nisbett and Wilson found that the explanation for someone's behaviour maybe not be accurate because people don't have direct introspective access to many of their mental processes
    • different approaches
      behaviourist approach
      cognitive approach
      biological approach
      psychodynamic approach
      humanistic approach
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