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Cards (44)

  • What is the reason people buy products or services?
    People buy for a reason related to the value offered by the product or service.
  • Why is it important for a product to be the best option for target customers?
    It ensures that customers have a reason to choose your product over others.
  • What does it imply if a product does not offer something valuable to customers?
    It implies that customers have no reason to buy the product.
  • What is the term used to describe the value incorporated in a product?
    Value proposition.
  • What is a value proposition?
    A value proposition is a believable collection of persuasive reasons why people should notice you and take action.
  • How does a value proposition influence consumer behavior?
    It motivates people to take action and spend on your product or service.
  • What is innovation?
    Innovation is the introduction of something new in your products or service.
  • What are some examples of possible innovations for products?
    Change of packaging, improvement of taste, color, size, shape, and possibly price.
  • What are some possible innovations in providing services?
    Application of new and improved methods, additional feature services, and possibly freebies.
  • Why must a business innovate to increase sales and profit?
    To introduce new ideas or improvements that attract customers.
  • What does USP stand for?
    Unique Selling Proposition.
  • What is the purpose of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
    To present a factor that makes a product or service different and better than the competition.
  • Why is it important to sell yourself before selling your product or service?
    Because it helps to establish trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • How can analyzing competitors' ads help in discovering your USP?
    It allows you to learn how companies distinguish themselves from competitors.
  • What should you focus on when discovering your USP?
    You should focus on the needs of the target customers.
  • What essential question should you ask to improve your USP?
    What could make customers come back and ignore competition?
  • Why is it important to identify customers' desires?
    To understand what drives and motivates them to buy your product or service.
  • How is USP considered in marketing strategy?
    It is often considered the cornerstone of a marketing strategy and a differentiator from other products.
  • What two questions should you ask to make your USP stand out?
    What can I offer that my competitors cannot? What do my customers already want that they don't know they want yet?
  • Why should your USP be clear and concise?
    So that it sticks with the customer and helps to set you apart from the competition.
  • What are the five basic components of a USP?
    • Benefits
    • Emotive
    • Key selling points
    • Key difference
    • Competitive advantage
  • What is the role of the benefit in a USP?
    • Draws people in
    • Highlights what makes the product or service appealing
  • What does the emotive component of a USP do?
    • Attracts people on an emotional level
    • Highlights why they should buy the product or service