Role of Peer Review

    Cards (6)

    • how does psychological research get published
      findings publisised through: conferences, textbooks & journals
    • what is the process of a peer review
      1. other psychologists check the research before deciding if it can be published
      2. usually w/in the same field
      3. look at the validity, significance & originality
      4. assess the appropriateness of methods/designs
      5. reviewer can; accept it as is, accept w/ revisions, suggest revisions & resubmit, reject
      6. editor makes final decision
    • what are the purposes of peer reviews
      1. allocate research funding (decide whether to award funding for research)
      2. ensure quality/relevance
      3. ensure high validity/reliability
      4. ensure accuracy of findings
      5. retain integrity of psychology
    • what is anonymity
      peer doing review should be anonymous but some may use this as a way of criticising rival Rs - direct competition for limited funding
    • what is publication bias
      editors journals want to publish 'headline grabbing' findings to increase circulation of their publication - also prefer +ve results & may ignore research that isn't, this creates a false impression of psychology
    • what is burying ground-breaking research
      suppress opposition to mainstream theories to maintain status quo - especially if it contradicts their own view, which slows down rate of change
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