Extraneous Variables

    Cards (18)

    • Extraneous Variables
      Uncontrolled factors that can influence the outcome of an experiment and affect the results
    • External Variables
      Examples: weather, time of day, season, noise level, day of the week, time of year
    • Participant Variables/ individual Differences
      Differences between the participants which might affect their performanc.
    • How do you deal with participant variable In research ?
      Use alternative experimental designs
      Repeated measures
      Random allocation
    • Situational Variables
      The setting and the circumstances of the research which may affect the performance of the participants
    • What can situational variables introduce?

      Order effects
    • What are order effects?
      When the performance of participants in the second condition is impacted by their participation in the first. E.g getting better the second time
    • How can you avoid situation variables in research? + summarise them
      Standardisation = ways in which the procedure/materials/instructions are all kept the same for all the participants. This ensures they all experience the same thing
      Counterbalancing = a way to balance out order effect
    • Participant Reactivity
      The behaviour of the participants changes due to the awareness that they are being studied
    • What does participant reactivity introduce?
      Demand Characteristics
      Social Desirability Bias
    • What is demand characteristics?
      Where the participants guess the aim of the study and as a result change there behaviour: either to please the researcher (please-you effect) so they get the result they want or to ruin the researchers results(screw-you effect)
    • What Is social desirability bias?
      Where participants feel they would be judged by the researcher in some way so try to present themselves in a more desirable light
    • Investigators Effects
      When the individual conducting the research Influences the outcome of the study most often subconsciously
    • How can you control researcher bias/investigator effects With a summery?

      Standardised Instructions = exact same instruction should be read in exactly the same way to each participant.
      Double Blind technique = both researcher and participant are unaware of what the condition the participants are in as they are made to look similar
      Randomisation = use of chance to control for the effects of bias when deciding things like order of conditions
    • How do you limit participant reactivity?
      Signal blind Technique = Where the participants are unaware of the conditions they are in
      Depiction - lead your participants to believe the research is about something other than it actually is or withhold the aim from the participants
      Change the type of experiment= laboratory experiments with there high levels of control are the most susceptible to participate reactivity due to the participants knowing they are being studied
    • What is single blind technique?
       Where the participants are unaware of the conditions they are in
    • What is Deception?
      lead your participants to believe the research is about something other than it actually is or withhold the aim from the participants 
    • Changing the type of experiment?
      laboratory experiments with there high levels of control are the most susceptible to participate reactivity due to the participants knowing they are being studied
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