multicellular, contain chloroplasts meaning they can photosynthesise, have cell walls made of cellulose (to strengthen+provide a rigid structure), STORE CARBOHYDRATES AS SUCROSE/ STARCH
why are plants' cell walls made of cellulose
to strengthen and provide a rigid structure for cell
multicellular, some have nervous coordination- meaning they can respond quickly to changes in environment , CANT PHOTOSYNTHESISE, can move around from one place to another, STORE CARBOHYDRATES AS GLYCOGEN
how do animals store carbohydrates
in form of glycogen
how do animals differ from plants
they dont have chloroplasts so cant photosynthesise, their cells dont have cell walls, they dont contain a vacuole
examples of multicellular animals
mammals(humans), insects (mosquitos)
SOME are SINGLE-CELLED, have a body called mycelium which is made up of hyphae(thread-like structures containing lots of nuclei), have cell walls made of chitin, CANT PHOTOSYNTHESISE, feed by saprotrophic nutrition, STORE CARBOHYDRATES AS GLYCOGEN
what does the hyphae that makes up the mycelium in fungi contain lots of
what is saprotrophic nutrition in fungi
they secrete extracellular enzymes into area outside body to dissolve food so they can absorb the nutrients