free will vs determinism

    Cards (8)

    • free will:
      • free to think/act in whatever way they choose
      • can reject biological/environmental factors
    • determinism:
      • free will is an illusion, forces beyond control govern behaviour
      • external = rewards, internal = hormones
      • basis of nature = has cause that can be explained
    • hard determinism:
      • fatalism = all human behaviour has cause
      • possible to identify causes, in line with science
    • soft determinism:
      • cause but some room for flexibility
      • conscious mental control over behaviour but only with realms of what we know e.g slt + mediational processes
    • subtypes of hard determinism:
      • environmental = association
      • biological = genes + evolution
      • psychic = unconsious thoughts
    • EVALUATION: good face validity
      • internal loc have more free will + healthy + more control over actions, roberts = strong determinism belief more likely depressed
      • everyday experiences give impressions of free will
      • strong positive impact on individual's health through valid research
    • EVALUATION: counter evidence
      • soon et al - brain activity that determines outcome of choices predates knowledge
      • researchers - press left/right, choice was made 10s before
      • most basic experiences of free will are decided and determined
    • EVALUATION: interactionist approach
      • cognitive approaches tend to adopt soft determinism - slt
      • bandura - environmental factors in learning key, free to choose when we attend to or when to perform behaviours
      • free will + determinism better explain human behaviour
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