Cards (9)

    • Best represented by humanistic psych and existentialist philosophies
    • What does free will suggest?
      • We can choose a path inconsistent with their past
      • Humans are free to act free of internal/external causes
      • We are morally responsible for our actions
    • What do we feel we have?
      Free will
    • What can we separate intentions from what?
      Internal/external events
    • What is free will incompatible with?
      The goals of scientific psych
    • What's an issue with the saying 'whatever they do they could've acted differently'?
      It can never be falsified or verified
    • What is another issue?
      It can lead to you making a homunculus fallacy - a little man controlling your decisions
    • What does the notion of free will suggest?
      Human beings are free to choose their thoughts and actions
    • What does free will imply about biological and environmental influences?
      That we can reject them
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