Cognitive interview

    Cards (9)

    • Cognitive interview
      Geisleman et al developed as a response to criticisms of police interviews
      4 principles that enhance recall
    • Cognitive interview: report everything
      Encouraged to include every detail of event even if seems irrelevant as may trigger other memories
    • Cognitive interview: Reinstate context
      mentally recalls crime scene, imagines environment and their emotions
      Cues from context trigger recall(context-dependent forgetting)
    • Cognitive interview: Reverse order
      Recall events in different chronological order
      Prevents dishonesty and expectations of how it happened rather then how it actual happened
    • Cognitive interview: Change perspective
      Recall from others perspective
      Prevents influence of expectations ans schema on recall
    • Cognitive interview: Fisher et al
      developed additional element- enhanced cognitive interview
      Includes focus on social dynamics of interaction and ideas of reducing anxiety,minimising distractions
    • Strength of CI: Elements are useful
      • Milne + Bull found that each individual element of CI was equally valuable
      • Also found that a combo of report everything + reinstate context produced better recall than any other technique individually
      • Suggests that 2 of these elements should be used to improve police interviewing of witnesses even if full CI not used
    • Strength of CI: support for Enhanced CI
      • Meta analysis by Kohnken combined data from 50 studies
      • Enhanced CI consistently provided more correct info than standard interview used by police
      • Indicates there is real practical benefits to police of using enhanced version of CI
    • Limitation of CI: Time consuming
      • Police reluctant to use as takes more time than standard police interview
      • Also requires special training + many forces may not be able to provide more than a few hrs
      • Means unlikely that then proper version of CI is actually used by police
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