
    Subdecks (3)

    Cards (60)

    • What is conformity?
      a form of social influence where group pressure, real (explicit) or imagined (implicit) results in a change in behaviour
    • What are examples of a membership group?
      friendship group, family, school
    • What are examples of a reference group?
      social media influencer, celebrity
    • What is internalisation in terms of conformity?
      When a person genuinely accepts what a group finds acceptable. This attitude is permanent
    • What is identification in terms of conformity?
      conforming to the opinions/ behaviour of a group because there is something you value about the group and want to be accepted by them.
    • What is compliance in terms of conformity?

      Going along with others in public but not changing personal opinions/ behaviour. It is a superficial change and stops when the group pressure stops.
    • What is normative social influence?

      The tendency to conform to the group's norms in order to fit in and gain social approval.
    • What can normative social influence lead to?

    • What is informational social influence?

      Where individuals conform to the opinions or behaviors of others because they believe that those others have more accurate knowledge or information.
    • What can informational social influence lead to?

    • Who experimented to support normative social influence?

    • Who experimented to support informational social influence?

    • How does mood affect conformity?
      If someone is in a happier mood, they are more likely to conform as they will have positive feelings towards the task
    • How does gender affect conformity?
      woman are more likely to conform than men to prevent social disagreement
    • How does culture affect conformity?
      From social norms that govern a particular behaviour within a culture
    • How does diversity within a sample affect generalisability?

      The more diversity there is within the sample used in the study, the more generalisable the results will be.
    • What does androcentric mean?
      Androcentric means being centred on, or dominated by males.
    • What are the two types of androcentrism?
      Androcentrism can be conscious (the individual knows they are behaving this way) or unconscious.
    • What is a social role?
      The behaviours and responsibilities expected by of individuals in society
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