Cards (114)

  • Why is understanding oneself essential?

    It helps in understanding behaviors and beliefs that affect ourselves and others.
  • What are the benefits of self-understanding?

    • Provides a sense of purpose
    • Leads to healthier relationships
    • Helps harness natural strengths
    • Promotes confidence
  • What does self and personality characterize?

    They define our existence and organize our experiences reflected in our behavior.
  • What does the term 'self' represent?

    It represents the ideas people have about themselves.
  • How do people behave in different situations?

    People behave differently in various situations but also show stable behaviors across circumstances.
  • What is the etymology of the word 'personality'?

    • Derived from "persona" (theatrical masks)
    • Comes from "per" (through) and "sonare" (to sound)
  • How is personality commonly defined?

    As relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that provide consistency and individuality to behavior.
  • What role does personality play in people's lives?

    It affects how people shape their lives and cope with their environment.
  • What components make up personality?

    • Physical self
    • Intelligence
    • Character traits
    • Attitudes
    • Habits
    • Personal discipline
    • Moral values
    • Principles and philosophies of life
  • What are the determinants of personality?

    • Environmental Factors
    • Biological Factors
    • Situational Factors
    • Cultural Factors
  • What do environmental factors of personality include?

    They include the neighborhood, school, workplace, and social circle of an individual.
  • What are biological factors of personality?

    They include hereditary factors, physical features, and brain structure.
  • How do hereditary factors influence personality?

    They describe the tendency of a person to behave like their parents.
  • What role do physical features play in personality?

    They include height, weight, and body language, which can change over time.
  • What do situational factors of personality do?

    They alter a person's behavior and response in different contexts.
  • How does culture influence personality?

    Culture determines what a person is and what they will learn, shaping their behavior.
  • What are personality traits?

    • Characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
    • Imply consistency and stability across situations
  • What is the Five-Factor Model of personality?

    It includes five broad traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
  • How are the Big Five traits related?

    • Scores on the Big Five traits are mostly independent.
    • A person's standing on one trait does not predict their standing on others.
  • What is the acronym used to remember the Five-Factor Model?
  • What is the significance of Conscientiousness in college success?

    Highly conscientious individuals tend to study hard and manage their time effectively.
  • What is self-concept?

    • Individual perceptions of behavior, abilities, and characteristics
    • A mental picture of who you are as a person
  • What is the difference between self-concept and self-understanding?

    Self-concept is about individual perceptions, while self-understanding involves motives behind actions.
  • What are the components of self-concept according to Richard Crisp and Rhiannon Turner?

    • Individual self
    • Relational self
    • Collective self
  • What does the individual self consist of?

    Attributes and personality traits that differentiate us from others.
  • How is the relational self defined?

    By our relationships with significant others like siblings and friends.
  • What does the collective self reflect?

    Membership in social groups such as nationality or ethnicity.
  • What is philosophy defined as?

    • The study of knowledge or wisdom
    • Derived from Latin roots: philo (love) and sophia (wisdom)
  • Why is philosophy considered "The Queen of All Sciences"?

    Because every scientific discipline has philosophical foundations.
  • What did Greek philosophers do regarding myths?

    • They questioned myths
    • They sought to understand reality through inquiry
  • Who was Socrates?

    A philosopher from Athens known for his influence on European thought.
  • What is the Socratic Method?

    It involves asking questions to clarify ideas and resolve inconsistencies.
  • What was the foundation of Socrates' philosophy?

    The Delphic Oracle's command to "Know Thyself."
  • How did Socrates view the self?

    As a dichotomous entity composed of the physical realm and the ideal realm.
  • What are the two realms according to Socrates?

    The physical realm (changeable and imperfect) and the ideal realm (unchanging and eternal).
  • How did Socrates define the human being?

    As composed of body (physical realm) and soul (ideal realm).
  • What did Plato introduce regarding the self?

    A three-part soul/self composed of reason, physical appetite, and spirit.
  • What is the role of reason in Plato's view of the self?

    To organize and control the relationship between the three elements of the self.
  • How did Plato illustrate his view of the soul/self?

    Through the metaphor of a winged chariot drawn by two horses representing spirit and appetite.
  • What did Augustine believe about the body and soul?

    He believed the body is different from the immortal soul and initially viewed it as a "cage" for the soul.