Research Methods

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    • What is operationalisation
      the way in which variables have been put into practice so they can be measured
    • What is an independant variable
      the factor you change (manipulate)
    • What is an dependant variable
      the factor you measure
    • What is an extraneous variable
      irrelevant variables which are under investigation
    • What is a confounding variable
      an extreneous factor that interferes with the experiments iv and dv
    • What are labatory experiments
      highly controlled experiments normally carried out in artificial settings (lab) reasearcher manipulated iv
    • Strengths of labatory experiments
      1. Controlled environment improves internal validity and reliability
      2. Controlled settings allow use of technical measuring equipment
    • Weaknesses of laboratory experiments
      1. Demand characteristics and experimenter bias can alter validity
    • What are field experiments
      Carried out in the real word settings with realistic stimuli meaning less controlled, researcher manipulates iv
    • Strengths of a field experiment
      1. Behavior in real life settings raises ecological valididity
      2. Reduction of demand characteristics improves validity of research
    • Weaknesses of field experiments
      1. lack of control over iv manipulations rases potential for confounding variables
      2. Can raise ethical issues if ps covertly recorded in a public place
    • What is a natrual or quasi experiment?
      Experiment where iv isnt controlled by researcher participants natrually fall into catogries
    • Strengths of natrual or quasi experiments
      1. Allows the study of behaviours not possible with true experimental methods
    • Weaknesses of natrual or quasi experiments
      1. Lack of control over iv manipulations raises potential for confounding variables
    • Matched Pairs
      A research design where participants are paired together based on specific criteria to minimize extraneous variables and increase internal validity
    • Independent Groups
      A research design where participants are randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group to investigate the causal effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable
    • Repeated Measures
      A research design where the same people are measured or tested at different times
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