types of data

    Cards (4)

    • Qualitative -information in words which cant be counted or quantified
      Strength - rich and detailed info about experiences - more insight
      Limitation- complexity makes it difficult to analyse and draw conclusions 
    • Quantative 
      Data that represents how much how many or how long of something- often with numerical form
      Strength - easy to analyse (descriptive statistics and statistical tests) clear conclusions drawn 
      Limitation - oversimplify reality- conclusions are meaningless
      Eg. closed questions may not be what people are really feeling
    • Primary -info observed or collected directly from firsthand experience
      Strength- Researcher has control- can design it to exactly fit aims 
      Limutation- designing a study is a lengthy and expensive process
    • Secondary- info used in a research study that was collected from someone else  or for a purpose other than the current one
      Strength - simpler and cheaper to access
      Limitation - the data might not exactly fit needs of study
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