Atavistic form= biological approach created by Lombroso that attributes criminalactivity to the fact that offenders are genetic throwbacks or a primitivesubspecies ill-suited to conforming to the rules of modern society. Such individuals are distinguishable by particularfacial and cranialcharacteristics.
Offenders were seen by Lombroso as lacking evolutionarydevelopment, their savage and untamednature meant that they would find it impossible to adjust to the demands of civilisedsociety and would inevitably turn to crime.
Lombroso saw offending behaviour as a naturaltendency, rooted in the genes of those who engage in it.
Lombroso proposed that offending was innate and therefore an offender was not to blame for his actions.
Lombroso argued the offender subtype could be identified by particular physiological‘markers’ that were linked to particular types of offence.
Physical markers included a sloping brow, strong jaw, facial asymmetry, dark skin, existence of extra toes, nipples or fingers.
Murderers were described as having bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears. Sexual deviants had glinting eyes, swollen lips and projecting ears.