The emotional and intellectual consequences of seperation between a child and their mother/caregiver
To lose something - the loss of an emotional care normally provided by a primary caregiver
No attachments formed
Skodak and Skeels (1949)
Found that those children who were institutionalised scored poorly on intelligence tests - improved after emotional care
Spitz and Wolf (1946)
Observed that when 100 children were put into care in an institution, they became depressed within a few months
Aim of Bowlby’s44 thieves study
Find out if prolonged emotionaldeprivation would have long term consequences on emotional support
Procedure of 44 thieves
Analysed case studies of his child patients
Judged to be emotionally maladjusted
studied 88 children, 44 caught stealing
they lacked emotional responses - normal signs of affection,shame, or responsibility
They stole as it didn't matter to them
Affectionless Psychopaths
The thieves lacked basic emotional responses
Findings of 44 thieves
The affectionless thieves had experienced frequent seperation from their mothers
86% (12/14) of thieves experienced frequent seperation, compared to 17% (5/30) of other thieves
Almost none of the control group experienced frequent seperation, 39% of thieves had
The Value of Maternal Care
Bowlby was the first to recognise the deep impact of emotional care and the need for: ‘Warmintimate and continuous relationship with a mother to ensure continuing normal health’
Critical Period
Bowlby stated that this will only occur if an infant experiences this before they are 2.5 and if there is no alternative caregiver available - continued risk up to 5
Long term consequences
Emotional maladjustment
Mental health problems - depression
Strength - Physical or Psychological seperation (Radke-Yarrowet et al 1985)
Studied depressed mothers and found that 55% of their children were insecurely attached, compared to 29% of non-depressed group.
Therefore, psychological seperation can lead to Deprivation
Strength - Long term effects
Early deprivation seems to increase likelihood of experiencing long term mental health issues
Bifulco et al (1992) - studied women who had been seperated from their mother for over a year, finding that 25% of them later experienced depression or anxiety
Strength - real world application
44 thieves study created major transformations in the childcare world:
Children can see their caregivers in hospital
Assigning caregivers to children in school
More paternity leave and funding (480 days in Sweden)
Weakness - Investigator effects
Bowlby designed and conducted the self reports himself so prescence and interpretation might influence outcome of research
Affectionless Psychopathy diagnosis may have been distorted by researcherconfirmation bias