Research Methods

    Cards (140)

    • What are the two types of hypotheses mentioned in the study material?
      Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
    • What does a null hypothesis predict?

      That there will be no pattern in the results
    • What does an alternative hypothesis predict?

      That there will be a pattern in the results
    • What is a variable in research?

      Something that can change
    • What are extraneous variables?

      Anything that can affect the results except for the independent and dependent variables
    • Why is it important to control extraneous variables?

      To establish cause and effect
    • What does standardization in research refer to?

      Using the same procedures, instructions, and materials
    • What are the two types of experimental designs mentioned?
      Repeated measures and independent measures
    • In repeated measures design, what do all participants do?

      Take part in both conditions of the experiment
    • What is an order effect?

      A negative impact on research findings due to boredom, fatigue, or practice
    • How do independent measures differ from repeated measures?

      Independent measures involve participants only doing one condition
    • What is a disadvantage of repeated measures design?

      Order effects can occur
    • What is a disadvantage of independent measures design?

      It requires more participants
    • What is the definition of population in research?

      The entire group we want to study
    • What is a sample in research?

      A subset of the population
    • Why is it important for a sample to be representative of the population?

      To generalize results to the entire population
    • What is random sampling?

      Selecting individuals by chance
    • What is opportunity sampling?

      Selecting individuals based on convenience
    • What is volunteer sampling?

      Participants choose to take part
    • What does the British Psychological Society (BPS) oversee?

      Psychological research in Britain
    • What does informed consent mean in research?

      Participants know what the study is about and agree to take part
    • What is debriefing in research?

      Explaining the study's purpose and findings to participants after it concludes
    • What right do participants have regarding withdrawal from a study?

      They can stop participating at any time without detriment
    • What is confidentiality in research?

      Ensuring participants' information remains anonymous
    • What are the key ethical guidelines set by the BPS for psychological research?

      • Protect participants from psychological harm
      • Obtain informed consent
      • Avoid deception
      • Ensure confidentiality
      • Allow the right to withdraw
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different sampling methods?
      • Random sampling: Reduces bias, representative
      • Opportunity sampling: Quick and easy
      • Volunteer sampling: Minimal effort required

      • Random sampling: Time-consuming
      • Opportunity sampling: Unlikely to be representative
      • Volunteer sampling: Potential for bias
    • What is the purpose of an experiment in research methods?

      To change the independent variable and measure the dependent variable to establish cause and effect
    • What are the three types of experiments?

      • Lab experiments: Controlled environment
      • Field experiments: Realistic environment
      • Natural experiments: Independent variable cannot be manipulated
    • What is an example of a lab experiment mentioned in the video?

      Students sitting a math test in a controlled environment with loud music
    • How does a field experiment differ from a lab experiment?

      A field experiment is conducted in a realistic environment
    • What is a natural experiment?

      It involves measuring the effect of an independent variable that cannot be manipulated
    • How would you apply a natural experiment to the math test example?

      Students take the test in a naturally noisy classroom
    • What are the evaluation points for experiments?
      • Easy to control extraneous variables
      • Allows consent to be obtained
      • Easy to standardize and replicate
      • Poor ecological validity
    • What does poor ecological validity mean?

      Results may not represent real-life situations
    • What is an interview in research methods?

      A self-report method where participants provide information directly to the researcher
    • What are the two types of interviews mentioned?
      Structured and unstructured interviews
    • What characterizes a structured interview?

      Pre-planned questions that do not change during the interview
    • What is the advantage of an unstructured interview?

      It allows for more in-depth and rich data collection
    • What are the types of self-report methods mentioned?

      • Questionnaires: Can be open or closed
      • Structured interviews: Pre-planned questions
      • Unstructured interviews: Flexible conversation
    • What is a closed question in a questionnaire?

      A question with predetermined answers that do not overlap
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