'undercover' as participants don't know that they're being studied.
what is an overt observation?
participants are aware that they're being studied.
what is a participant observation?
researcher joins the group they're observing.
what are strengths of covert observations?
more likely to see participant's natural behaviour which increases invalidity.
less chance for participant's to succumb to demand characteristics or social desirability.
what are weaknesses of covert observations?
ethics are an issue as participants can't consent to taking part.
what are types of observation?
covert observations
overt observations
participant observations
non - participant observations
naturalistic observations
controlled observations
what is a non - participant observation?
observing a group of people as an outsider.
what is a naturalistic observation?
watching people in their natural environment?
what is a controlled observation?
an observation that is done in controlled environments, such as labs.
what are strengths of non - participant observations?
results are more likely to be valid as the researcher isn't present so they can't change the dynamic of the group - more likely to see natural behaviour.
what are weaknesses of non - participant observations?
being out of the group may mean that we miss / misinterpret information.
what are strengths of participant observations?
being part of the group means were less likely to miss / misinterpret information.
what are weaknesses of participant observations?
researcher may manipulate the group dynamic - we won't see participant's natural behaviour.
what are strengths of naturalistic observations?
natural environment could mean that we are more likely to see participant's natural behaviour.
what are weaknesses of naturalistic observations?
observations are less standardised so we may not be able to replicate the study again.
what are strengths of controlled observations?
more standardised - we are able to replicate the study again which ensures reliability so there's less chance for extraneous variables.
what are weaknesses of controlled observations?
artificial environment - less likely to see participant's natural environment.
what are strengths of overt observations?
ethics are adhered to as participants are aware that they're being observed.
what are weaknesses of overt observations?
less likely to see participant's natural behaviour - decreases the validity.