questionnaires -

    Cards (9)

    • what are two types of questionnaires?
      closed questions and open questions.
    • what are strengths of open questions?

      participants are free to answer - we will have a wider range of responses to analyse, giving us a more valid overview.
    • what are weaknesses of open questions?
      • time consuming to analyse the data.
      • time consuming to collect the data.
    • what are weaknesses of closed questions?
      • can lack detail.
      • might elicit social desirability from participants.
      • researcher may pick their 'best fit'.
    • what are strengths of closed questions?
      • can be economical - provide large amounts of research data for relatively low costs.
      • information can be easily converted into quantitative data.
      • questions are standardised (asked the same questions in the same order).
    • what type of data do closed questions give?

      quantitative data (numbers).
    • what type of data do open questions give?

      qualitative data (words / opinions).
    • what are open questions?
      • questions that don't force a specific type of answer from the participant.
      • could say anything you like when answering the question.
    • what are closed questions?
      • a question that forces the person answering the question to give a particular answer (e.g. yes or no).
      • more common closed questions use a scale to get an answer.
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