Reliability and Validity

    Cards (19)

    • Identify and outline two other types of validity in psychological research.
      • Internal validity: The extent to which a study is free of design faults affecting results.
      • External validity: How well findings can be generalized to other people, time periods, and settings.
    • How could inter-observer reliability be ensured?
      By comparing observations and discussing discrepancies to reach a consensus
    • What is one method a psychologist can use to check the validity of their data?
      Conducting a pilot study to assess the effectiveness of the measures used
    • How is inter-observer reliability calculated?
      By comparing the observations of different observers and calculating a kappa score
    • How can the reliability of data collected be improved?
      By standardizing procedures to ensure consistency across trials
    • What is meant by reliability in research?
      The consistency of a research study or measuring test
    • What is meant by validity in research?
      The degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the concept it intends to measure
    • What is test-retest reliability?
      Assessing the same person on two separate occasions to show the extent the test produces the same answers
    • What is inter-observer reliability?
      A method to assess reliability by comparing observations from different observers
    • How can standardization improve reliability in experiments?
      By ensuring that the procedure is the same each time the experiment is repeated
    • What is meant by internal validity?
      The extent to which a study is free of design faults that may affect results
    • What is external validity?
      How well findings can be generalized to other people, time periods, and settings
    • What is ecological validity?
      Are the findings generalizable to the real world?
    • What is temporal validity?
      How accurate are the results compared to other time periods or eras?
    • What is population validity?
      Does the sample represent wider populations?
    • What is face validity?
      An intuitive measure of whether a test appears to measure what it is supposed to measure
    • What is concurrent validity?
      Comparing tests to see if they have the same results
    • How can validity be improved?
      By amending questions to be specific and removing irrelevant ones
    • What is a double-blind study?
      A study in which neither the participants nor the researchers know who is receiving a particular treatment
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