Tulving LTM

    Cards (7)

    • Episodic memory 

      > our ability to recall events from our life
      > they’re complex
      > they’re time stamped
      > each ‘episode‘ contains many elements ( people, places, objects and behaviour)
    • semantic memory 

      > stores ‘facts’ we learn in life
      > necessary for us to use language
      > Tulving says its less vulnerable to distortion & forgetting
      > constantly being added too
    • arguments against Tulvings LTM

      > clinical studies that support this (HM case and Tulvings case study) lack control of variables - don’t know their memory before the brain damage
      > reduced validity of clinical trials about LTM
    • Tulvings case study KF
      KF experienced a bike accident and their hippocampus was destroyed
      > he lost all episodic memory
      > could remember the things he learnt in books (dates, facts, definitions)
    • Tulving (2002)
      > came to view episodic as a ‘specialised subcategory‘ of semantic memory
    • issues and debates of tulvings LTM
      > research is sensitive to society
      > Alzheimer’s, people who went through brain damage - can threaten the dignity of the patients
    • applications of Tulvings LTM
      > explains false memories:
      . episodic memory gets changed by being used
      > cognitive simulation theory:
      . showing patients meaningful things to get them to talk about the meaning
      > student revision
      . episodic is specific to that time and place you encode it and
      semantic can be recalled anywhere
      . learn in the classroom (episodic) then revise at home to get put in semantic
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