Health matters and cancer

Cards (21)

  • Health is a state of physical and mental wellbeing
  • What factors affect physical and mental health?
    Diet, stress, drugs, genes, excercise
  • What are communicable diseases?

    Can spread because they are created by microbes
  • What are non-communicable diseases?

    Cannot spread because thye are NOT caused by microbes
  • What is a risk factor?

    A variable that increases the likelihood of a particular disease but does not guarantee the person will develop it
  • Scientists analyse data to see if there is a relationship between risk factors and particular diseases. We call this relationship a correlation
  • Two variables can be correlated without causing the other
  • What is a casual mechanism?

    Way in which something increases the risk of a disease?
  • The human and financial costs of ill health are extensive, for example : Poor physical health increases the likelihood of poor mental health
    Cost of treatment is increasing
    Financial impact on families due to ill health
  • Having one disease increases the likelihood of developing another
  • Defects in the immune system (HIV) increases likelihood of other communicable diseases eg. colds
  • Viral infections (HPV - can damage cervix in women) increases likelihood of cervical cancer in women
  • Immune response to pathogens(white blood cells responding to other substances incorrectly) can cause allergic reactions
  • Why are new cells needed?
    Repair to damaged tissue or replace dead cells
  • The process of creating new cells is usually carefully controlled to make sure the right number and right type of cells are amde at the right time
  • How are new cells made?

    The DNA is copied inside an existing cell and the cell divides so there are two cells
  • What is a mutation?

    Mistake made when the DNA is copied
  • What is a tumour?

    When a cell has lots of mutations which enables it to grow and divide in an uncontrolled manner, producing too many new cells
  • How can the chance of mutations be increased?

    UV radiation
  • What is a benign tumour?

    Cells that are contained with one area inside a membrane. Cells do not invade other parts of the body and it is not cancerous
  • What is a malignant tumour?

    Cells that are not within a membrane.Cells break off and spread to other parts pf the body via the blood. These tumours are cancerous