Is an extraneous variable that interferes with the relationship between an experiment's independent and dependent variables. It's not the variable of interest but has had a
direct affect on the DV, leading to inaccurate conclusions about the relationship being
Demand Characteristics participants will try to work out what is going on and certain cues my help them interpret what is
going on, how they should behave.
• They may act in a way that they think is
expected and over perform ( the 'please-U
• Deliberately underperform to sabotage the
results (the screw-U effect).
example, in Milgram’s research, critics argued that participants worked out that the shocks were not real and they administered them as they thought this was what was required of them.
Investigator Effects Investigator effects are where a researcher
(consciously or unconsciously) acts in a way to
support their prediction.
It is possible that during our energy drink study,
the researcher may be include to smile more during
our interactions with some participants than
others. We may unknowingly in our unconscious
behaviour - encourage a greater level of chattiness
from the energy drink participants.
What is the purpose of randomisation in research investigations?
To minimise the effect of extraneous/confounding variables on the outcome
STANDARDISATION • As far as is possible within an investigation,
all participants should be subject to the
same environment, information and
• This includes standardised instructions that
are read to each participant. Such
standardisation also means that nonstandardised changes in procedure do not act
as extraneous variables.
Standardisation adds control to a study thus
increasing the internal validity of that study.
Randomly allocating participants to their conditions or using a matched pairs experimental design can help to reduce participant variables.
Situational variables are controlled by using standardized procedures, ensuring every participant in a given condition is treated in the same way