Cards (20)

    • the multi-store memory model was created by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968
    • the MSM is based on the idea that info passes through separate stores
    • sensory information from an environment is automatically passed into the sensory register
    • the sensory register has a separate store for each sense
    • if the information from the sensory memory is paid attention to, it is passed along to the STM
    • SM:
      coding = a separate store for each sense
      capacity = each part has a large capacity due to the constant flow of info
      duration = limited duration, roughly 1 second
    • SM: Sperling 1960
      participants had to recall letters from a 3x4 grid
      only around 4 letters could be recalled but they remembered there were more letters on the screen
      shows a large capacity but short duration
      he then delayed when they had to recall
      50% was available after 0.3 secs and 33% after 1 sec
      the longer the delay, the more info was lost showing short duration
    • the short-term memory is a temporary store for info, memories are either actively processed or forgotten
    • STM:
      coding = usually acoustically
      capacity = limited, can hold a small amount of info
      duration = max 30 secs without repitition
    • STM CODING: Baddeley 1966
      participants had to remember word lists that were acoustically similar or semantically similar
      acoustically similar words had poor recall compared to semantically, showing that the STM relies on acoustic coding
    • STM CAPACITY: Jacobs 1887
      serial digit span test
      limited capacity of 5-9 digits
      capacity for letters is smaller than for numbers
      capacity increases with age
    • STM DURATION: Peterson + Peterson 1959
      asked participants to remember lists of trigrams with interference tasks to prevent rehearsal of them
      90% were recalled after 3 seconds
      5% after 18 seconds
      duration = 20 - 30 seconds
    • long - term memory is a permanent memory store
    • LTM:
      coding = semantically
      capacity = unlimited
      duration = forever
    • LTM CODING: Baddeley 1996
      participants recalled word lists from the LTM
      one word list with words acoustically similar words and another with semantically similar words
      semantically similar words had poorer recall showing the LTM relies on semantic coding
    • LTM CAPACITY: Huang 1997
      tested his memory of 560 of his own past students from over 2 decades
      he was showed pictures and recognised correctly over 80% of his past students
    • LTM DURATION: Bahrick 1984
      tested recall of spanish as a second language in people who had not spoke it for up to 50 years
      there was a rapid decline in recall after the first 3 years
      after 3 years, the decline was minimal
    • THE MSM:
      differences in coding, capacity and duration for each store supports the model
      it shows that stores are distinct and separate
    • MSM: Wiswede et al 2007
      showed brain scans that support the MSM
      showed different parts of the brain were active during primary - recency tasks
    • MSM: Murdock 1962
      the primary - recency effect
      showed the beginning and end of lists had better recall
      this shows the STM and LTM are separate and distinct
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