Cards (4)

    • strength
      • Scientific
      • Believe only observable behaviours should be studied, therefore all theories could be tested mainly controlled in lab studies
      • This makes the theory falsifiable (able to be proven right or wrong)
      • Falsifiability is an important feature of science to allow cause and affect relationships to be
    • strengths
      • Have real-life applications
      • E.g - we know that positive reinforcement is more powerful than punishment so might use this in a child rearing or educational settings
      • Behaviorists techniques have also been used to train animals
      • Without this approach developments would not have occured
    • Weakness
      • Takes on the nurture side
      • It ignores biological explanations for behaviour
      • It presents quite a narrow explanation for human behaviour
      • Behaviours have a biological cause which is ignored by behaviourists so this approach is therefore viewed as reductionist
    • Weakness
      • Ethical issues
      • A lot of the research on which classical conditioning and operant conditioning is based on animals (carried out on animals)
      • Humans may not share enough similarities with these animals for us to apply them to human behaviour
      • Therefore results may not be generalisable
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