Mann-Whitney U Test

Cards (10)

  • The calculated value from the Mann-Whitney test is the U value. This is compared to a critical value in a table to see if the result is significant.
  • The Mann Whitney U test is a non-parametric test used to compare two independent groups, while collecting ordinal data.
  • The purpose of the Mann Whitney U test is to compare the distributions of two independent groups to determine if there is a significant difference between them.
  • A Mann Whitney U test requires ordinal or continuous data.
  • The Mann Whitney test is a non-parametric statistical test of difference that allows psychologists to determine if their results are significant. It is used in studies that have an independent groups design, where the data collected is at least ordinal.
  • Mann Whitney U tests are often used in experiments which compare the difference between two independent groups.
  • The Mann Whitney U test assumes that the measurement scale is ordinal.
  • To get the U value from a Mann Whitney test use the formula to calculate two scores; Ua and Ub and choose the lowest of the two.
  • In a Mann Whitney test the value of U must be less than or equal to the critical value to be significant.
  • In a Mann Whitney test if the U value is less than the critical value the result will be significant. The research hypothesis can be accepted.