Sports Psychology

Cards (15)

  • stress management
    Stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the demands of the task and the ability level of the performer to respond in a situation where failure has consequences.
    Too little stress - boredom, low motivation and poor performance
    Too high stress - high heart rate, on edge, tense muscles
  • concentration
    The ability to focus on a task at hand whilst ignoring irrelevant cues or distractions
    Selective - focus on relevant cues
    Shiftable - broad focus to narrow focus
    Maintain - ability to maintain concentration for duration of event
    Situational - understand the situation and take action
  • Arousal
    the degree of stimulation or alertness presented in a performer about to perform a skilled task
    under arousal - performer is distracted and unmotivated. heavy muscles, bored and tired
    over aroused - narrow and internally focused attention, tence muscles, on edge and anxiety, coordination drops
  • Motivation
    the direction and intensity of effort by a performer towards a given task
    Intrinsic - internal motivation eg playing for enjoyment, a challenge
    Extrinsic - external motivation eg money, fame
  • Self confidence
    the belief that a performer has in their own ability to successfully perform a desired skill or behaviour
    Self fulfilling prophecy - expectation to succeed -> performance is successful -> self confidence increases
  • relaxation
    an activity undertake to reduce tension and effects of physical and mental stress
  • Imagery
    the mental recreation, using as many sences as possible of a successful past performance or skill
  • Self - talk
    talking / thinking to yourslef positively before, during or after a performance
  • 4 C's of mentally strong athletes

    Control - can control and influence any given situation
    Commitment - persist in driving forward towards a goal regardless of obstacles
    Confidence - self believe that they will succeed
    Challenge - regard challenges as opportunity to improve
  • Nidffers model of attention

    Nidffers model of attention
  • inverted u hypothesis
  • 4 stages of stress
    • What are the actual demands of the situation?
    • How does the performer perceive the demands?
    • The athletes physical and mental response ton the situation
    • How the athletes performance is affected by the stress
  • Anxiety
    Negative emotion based of fear of what might happen
    State anxiety - immediate emotional state of fear, tension and increased arousal. can change during performance
    Trait anxiety - whether the performance views it as a challenge or a threat
  • goal setting
    identifying what you want to achieve and planning how you will achieve it
  • Pre performance Routines
    repeated ritual to prepare for the performance