what is the biological approach in forensic psychology?
Lombroso wrote criminalman, suggesting criminals were genetic throwbacks, a primitive subspecies who were biologically different from non-criminals
criminals less developed in evolutionary sense
offenders more primitive and therefore not completelyresponsible for their criminal action
savage, untamed nature means they find it impossible to adjust to demands of civilised society and would inevitably turn to crime
offending a naturaltendency rooted in genes
what is atavistic form?
an early biological explanation which proposed that criminals are a sub-species of geneticthrowbacks that cannot conform to the rules of modern society
such individuals are distinguishable by particular facial and cranial characteristics
what is the aim of Lombroso 1876?
To identify distinguishing physical features among criminals, which set them apart as offenders based on biological principles
what is the method of Lombroso 1876?
Lombroso examined the features and measurements of nearly 4,000 criminals, as well as the skulls of nearly 400 dead criminals
what are some common cranial characteristics that Lombroso found?
narrow sloping brow - indicated low intelligence according to Lombroso
strong pronounced jaw
flattened, upturned or hawk-like nose
large chins
high cheekbones
facial asymmetry
what are some common physical characteristics found by Lombroso?
dark skin - reflective of racism at the time
large ears
extra nipple, toes and fingers
what did Lombroso categories as murderers features?
blood-shot eyes
curly hair
long ears
what did Lombroso conclude?
40% of criminal acts are committed by people with atavistic characteristics