
Cards (3)

  • 1)' Still have I borne it with a patient shrug for the suff'rance is the badge of all our tribe '
    • His religion is known to suffer and has to suffer in silence due to society and Christians being anti-semitic
    • Noun ' badge ' - has to have religion in display ( wearing red hats all the time ) = can't hide or escape it .
  • 2)' in a merry sport '
    • Takes away seriousness of it by making it seem like a joke that he won't actually go through
    • Manipulating him = he has evil intentions .
  • In this scene , Antonio asks Shylock for three thousand Ducats for Bassanio . Shylock and Antonio argue about bible stories to discuss if it is a sin to charge people for being late to repaying bonds . If Antonio doesn't pay the bond on time , Shylock asked for his ' pound of flesh ' .