the most disadvantaged group in society, separate from the working class
what is the lumpenproletariat?
made up of people who are unemployed. Marxist idea
what did Marx argue about the underclass?
the unemployed are a reservearmy of labour, their existence prevents the proletariat from forming classconsciousness as they fear their employers can easily replace them (lumpenproletariat)
How does Murray define the Underclass?
by behaviour, they are uneducated, delinquent, work shy, drunks, lack of education,unkempt
What did Dahrendorf say about the underclass?
has been formed through changes in economic structure, technology allows for more production with fewer workers. Wages are kept low and workers cant rise out of poverty, better pay is short contracts, education is key but the system fails underclass
what does Gallie say about the Underclass?
Certain groups within the underclass are really workingclass, among these are the unemployed or those on low wages. Groups drift in and out of employment and have similar class interests. Only not true for the long term unemployed. Number of families with unemployment through 2 generations is extremely small
what were the statistics at the start of the troubled families programme?