Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their race or ethnicity
Protectionism: 1869 - 1937
1869 - Colony of Victoria passed the Aboriginal Protection Act
Aimed at 'protecting' Aborigines because the government claimed they were a 'dying race'
= Government policy that segregated Aboriginal people from Australian society and became the means of controlling their lives
Established control over Aborigines by Europeans
System of segregation - kept 'whites' and Aborigines separate, Aborigines effectively removed from 'white' society
Dictated where Aborigines could live, the work they could do and who they could marry
Forced them to live on specified government controlled 'Aboriginal reserves' or church controlled 'missions' outside their traditional lands
They were expected to adopt European ways of life - not allowed to speak their traditional languages or practice their culture
Denied indigenous people the same rights as European Australians
Assimilation: 1937 - 1967:
1886 - Victoria passed the Half Caste Act
Forced aborigines of‘mixed descent’ (partly European) to leave Aboriginal reserves and missions to be assimilated into ‘white society’
This led to the Stolen generation
1937 - All state and federal government agree to introduce assimilation
Aboriginal people who were not full bloods' would be required to conform to the beliefs and customs of the 'white' population.
= Federal government policy that expected Aboriginal people to conform to the attitudes, customs and beliefs of the white majority.