
    Cards (102)

    • What does Descartes' dualism suggest about the mind and body?
      They interact in different ways to produce different behaviours and thoughts
    • Who suggested the concept of dualism in the 17th century?
    • What is the IB definition of psychology?
      The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes and how these are affected by internal and external factors
    • How is science defined according to the study material?
      As the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world, following a systematic methodology based on evidence
    • What are the features of science?
      • A universal paradigm
      • Theory construction
      • Hypothesis testing
      • Deduction
      • Falsification
      • Replicability
      • Objectivity
      • Empirical method
    • When did Wundt set up his first laboratory?
      In 1879
    • What is introspection?
      A means of learning about one’s own currently ongoing mental states or processes
    • What are the three conditions of introspection?
      The mentality condition, the first-person condition, and the temporal proximity condition
    • What does the mentality condition aim to generate?
      Beliefs about mental states and events
    • What is structuralism in psychology?
      A process where Wundt isolated conscious thoughts into basic structures of thoughts, processes, and images
    • How did Wundt ensure reliable data in his experiments?
      By using the same stimulus each time under standardised conditions
    • What was Skinner's view on introspection?
      He disagreed with its subjective nature
    • What is radical behaviourism according to Skinner?
      That private events could be measured and quantified in the same way as observable behaviour
    • What method did Skinner use for his research?
      The laboratory experiment method
    • What does operant conditioning involve?
      Learning where behaviour is acquired and maintained based on its consequences
    • What is positive reinforcement?
      When a behaviour is followed by a reward, increasing the likelihood of that behaviour being repeated
    • What is negative reinforcement?
      When a behaviour is performed to avoid negative consequences
    • What did Skinner's Box demonstrate?
      The mechanisms of positive and negative reinforcement
    • What is classical conditioning?
      A type of learning that occurs through associations made between the unconditioned stimulus and the neutral stimulus
    • What happens during extinction in classical conditioning?
      The conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus, leading to the disappearance of the conditioned response
    • What is spontaneous recovery?
      When the individual carries out the conditioned response some time after extinction has occurred
    • What is generalisation in classical conditioning?
      When slight changes in the conditioned stimulus still produce the same conditioned response
    • What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?
      Classical conditioning involves associations between stimuli, while operant conditioning involves consequences of behaviour
    • What are the stages of social learning theory?
      1. Observer identifies with a desirable role model
      2. Role model displays a specific behaviour
      3. Observer imitates the behaviour
      4. Likelihood of imitation increases if the role model is vicariously reinforced
    • What is vicarious reinforcement?
      A type of indirect learning that occurs when an observer sees their role model being rewarded for a behaviour
    • What are mediational processes in social learning theory?
      Cognitive processes that mediate between stimulus and response
    • What are the four mediational processes?
      Attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation
    • What was the aim of Bandura's Bobo Doll study?
      To investigate whether children would imitate aggressive behaviour observed in role models
    • What did Bandura's study find regarding children who observed aggressive role models?
      They behaved more aggressively towards the Bobo doll
    • What is a limitation of Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment?
      It may lack internal validity due to demand characteristics
    • How does social learning theory differ from behaviourism?
      SLT acknowledges the role of cognitive processes in learning
    • What is a criticism of social learning theory regarding gender differences?
      It ignores biological differences that may influence behaviour
    • What is the significance of the cognitive processes in social learning theory?
      They provide insight into how humans make decisions and imitate behaviours
    • What are the strengths of the behaviourist approach?
      • Scientific rigour through objective methods
      • Real-life applications in therapy and behaviour modification
    • What are the weaknesses of the behaviourist approach?
      • Environmental determinism limits understanding of human behaviour
      • Ethical concerns regarding animal research and psychological harm
    • What are the applications of classical and operant conditioning?
      • Treatments for mental disorders
      • Token economies for behaviour modification
    • What is the role of identification in social learning theory?
      • Observer relates to a role model
      • Aspires to become more like the role model
    • What is the impact of media on behaviour according to social learning theory?
      • Role models can influence behaviour indirectly
      • Observed behaviours can be imitated based on media portrayals
    • How does social learning theory explain the acquisition of aggressive behaviour?
      • Through observation of aggressive role models
      • Reinforcement of aggressive behaviours through rewards
    • What is the significance of the cognitive approach in psychology?
      • Focuses on mental processes
      • Provides a more comprehensive understanding of behaviour
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